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Community Events


Annually each Spring, at the Historic Stahl Building, Athena

Every year since 1980 we've celebrated the best among us. Community members are invited to nominate outstanding individuals and businesses that make a difference every day in the community.

Athena First Citizen Nomination Criteria


An Athena citizen who has performed outstanding community service over a period of years.

One whose community participation has been in a service outside of their business, profession, or vocation.

Has not received the Citizen of the Year award. (See list of past recipients below.)


A business located or operated in the city of Athena.

Shows excellence in community service, economic growth and customer service, enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Athena.


Awarded to an Athena citizen for outstanding service to their community over a period of at least 25 years.

One whose community participation has been in a service outside of their business, profession or vocation.

Has not received the Sue Friese Lifetime of Service Award. (See list of past recipients below.)

Athena Citizen of the Year Nomination

The Athena Mainstreet Association will host the annual Athena Citizen of the Year Banquet at the Historic Stahl Building on Friday, April 5, 2024. Please take a moment to nominate a citizen or business that deserves recognition for their outstanding service to the community. Send a letter of recommendation by March 8, 2024. Include your name and contact information, as well as nominee’s contact information. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on April 5, 2024.


MAIL: Athena Mainstreet Association, PO Box 333, Athena, OR 97813

Athena's Honored Citizens

C: Citizen  Y: Youth  B: Business  L: Lifetime/25+ years


2023   L- Ken Bjorkland  C- Katie Funderburk, John McBean
2023   L- Sue Friese  C- Robert Fairchild  B- Calvert's Sugar Shack  Y- Emma Calvert, Dalana Pickard, Elsa Rogers
2022   C- Bill Muilenburg, Kayla Durfee, April Vorhauer-Flatt Y- Peyton McLouth
2021   C- Alan and Chrissy Froese Y- Victoria Vandenbos, Brooke Dornberger B- One Stop
2020   C- Vernon Purcell, Bob Irvine Y- Trinity Yunk, Calvin Papineau B- Wheatland Insurance
2019   C- Robert McLean, Larry Nye Y- Matthew Shafer, Ashley Swafford B- Athena Auto Parts
2018   C- Sam Pambrun, Elizabeth McIntyre Y- Mary Bagdon, Adrienne Olson, Hannah McIntyre, Keegan Verdin B- Humbert Refuse
2017   C- John Shafer, Paula Babb Y- Kellen Fairchild, Sarah Von Borstel, Michael Shafer
2016   C- Linda Pickard, Traci King Y- Reeve Betts, Anna Gilsdorf, Jessica Lambert B- Sugar Shack
2015   C- Melvin “Bud” Schmidtgall, Doris McMillan Y- Taylor Entze, Katie Schroeder
2014   C- Dan Cogswell, Carrie Bremer Y- Danni Dearing, Natalie Arnold, Kyra Fairchild
2013   C- Bob and Deborah Johns Y- Joe Baumann, Angelica Mironov, Alex Gilsdorf
2012   C- Jeannie Trout, Delbert Durfee Y- Morgan Entze, Jonathan Hansell, Paula Thompson
2011   C- Everett Pixler, Dick Scheibner Y- Daniel Winn, Renee Baumann, Amanda Kuehn
2010   C- Rob McIntyre, Joanne Huntsman Y- Laina Fairchild, Emery Gentry, Jennifer Pace
2009   C- Dean Parker, Cindy Jones Y- Noel Griggs, John Huntsman, Jeannise Nichols
2008   C- John Nichols, Clint Sloan Y- Marie Baumann, Alana Thompson, Victoria Thul
2007   C- Gary Munck, Nancy Parker Y- Joyce Baumann, Karissa Griggs
2006   C- Cathy Roscoe, Sue Friese Y- Breanne Chalmers, Colleen Nichols B- US Bank
2005   C- Irene Boatright, Duane Smalley Y- Andrew Griggs, Kayla Johnson
2004   C- Ross Snodgrass, Denise Jones Y- Kasey Freston, Anna McDonald
2003   C- Debbie Glover, Dick Pittman Y- Jackie Kyles
2002   C- Margaret Hansell Y- Chuck Vickery Jr.
2001   C- Dorothy Bjorklund, Tim Albert Y- Megan Allen, Brander Richmond
2000   C- Ada Veatch, Steve Pyle Y- Jennifer Williams, Janine Huntsman
1999   C- Marie McMillan, Elvin Taylor Y- Chris Williams
1998   C- Karen Albert, Bill Hansell Y- Mary Green
1997   C- Janet Miller, Dick Roscoe
1996   C- Pat Hunkapillar, Helen Callaway
1995   C- Mildred Miley, David Lynde
1994   C- Althadel Beamer, Robert McMillan
1993   C- Terry Schmidtgall, Willard McMillan
1992   C- Harold Youncs
1991   C- Kate Pittman, Gene Hodgson
1990   C- June Schmidtgall, Walter Veatch
1989   C- Sharon Fetterly Brown, Tom Munck
1988   C- Ed Miley
1986   C- Helen Miller, Ken Bjorkland
1985   C- Donna Johns, Rol Morrison
1984   C- Maxine Elder, Dr. William Hansell
1983   C- Leonard Geissel
1982   C- Joyce Hansell, Eston Boley
1981   C- Don Duncan, Harold Searcey
1980   C- Bonnie Alderman